Boat Dealerships For Sale in the USA and Beyond.
Since we have owned and operated a Boat Dealership and Service Facility in South Florida, we understand the business very well. When searching for a Boat Dealership for sale, there are many variables to take into consideration. Managing technicians, dealing with new boat floorplans, keeping track of inventory, timely and accurate billings and finding time to breathe are all challenges we are familiar with. As brokers who represent our Sellers with first-hand knowledge about the business, we understand the issues that will speak to value and “sellability” of your boat dealership.
We have unique experience to help select the perfect investment.
Most Boat Dealerships have new and used boat sales, service, parts, POS sales (ships store) and storage. Each of the income streams those components produce will have to be valued based on a number of criteria that speak to their reliability and strength. We can help you sort through the financial picture that your dealership has created and help you to understand the value of what you have there. Our services to help sellers posture and to prepare their business in its best possible light is something we are typically happy to provide at no cost. That also gives us unique insight when it comes to helping customers who are purchasing a boat dealership.
We look forward to the opportunity to assist you in this important process to ensure that you will be represented with professionalism and that you will achieve the highest possible price in the shortest possible time.
Rick is a uniquely qualified Commercial Maritime Broker. He brings genuine knowledge and experience earned from decades of direct involvement in the Marine Industry. As a Shipyard Operator, as a Financial Officer, and as a Boat Dealership Owner who has been responsible for high-level financial reporting for some of the largest and most robust marine facilities in the world, Rick brings exceptional knowledge and understanding to his clientele. His team will be proud to serve your interests with urgency and professionalism.

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