Dry Rack Storage Real Estate Listings and General Info for Buyers
Dry Rack Storage facilities vary in size, shape, and the manner in which they operate. Some offer a full range of parts and services to complement haul and launch operations, while others provide restaurants, a club, and concierge that appeal to a more particular boating lifestyle.
Stable, Consistent Marine Real Estate Opportunities
Storage facilities possess uniquely stable attributes that make investing in them attractive to buyers. By definition, income streams are reliable, consistent and bode very well in terms of profit contribution. Some investors find it easier to accurately project income levels from executed annual contracts as opposed to less stable dependence upon the economy and the weather. And with the captive audience of tenant boats, the opportunity to provide services for their own customers is uniquely appealing. Most of those services can also be sold to the general public.
Determining the value of a dry rack storage facility is clearly a function of analyzing each of the income streams and combining that assessment with a full understanding of the physical components of the plant and equipment. Proximity to cruising and fishing grounds is important while strategic posturing in today’s marketplace for future profitability can justify additional “intangible” (but very real) value. Thoughts on how to improve the customer’s experience, and finding ways to set the facility apart from its competition are ways to improve the likelihood of sustained success and reliable profitability.
As seasoned operators with decades of experience running maritime facilities, we are able to assist you in determining the true value and viability of a purchase or a sale. We can represent YOUR best interests whether you seek to buy, sell or invest in a dry stack or another type of boat storage facility.
Rick is a uniquely qualified Commercial Maritime Broker. He brings genuine knowledge and experience earned from decades of direct involvement in the Marine Industry. As a Shipyard Operator, as a Financial Officer, and as a Boat Dealership Owner who has been responsible for high-level financial reporting for some of the largest and most robust marine facilities in the world, Rick brings exceptional knowledge and understanding to his clientele. His team will be proud to serve your interests with urgency and professionalism.
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