Off Market Marinas For Sale. We communicate with a large Off Market Marinas For Saledatabase of marina owners, manufacturers, boatyard owners, investors, captains, maritime attorneys and many, many more.  These individuals and institutions regularly inquire about emerging maritime deals that may present an opportunity for them to buy, sell, or invest.

Operating quietly and “off-market” usually creates significant advantage, especially for buyers who engage our firm to locate an opportunity that will meet their specific and particular needs.  When we identify a match to your criteria, we will urgently present a quiet first look.

If you would like to register a confidential need or desire to buy, sell or invest in a marine facility, we can offer you the most aggressive and expansive approach in the marketplace.  We are extremely proactive and strictly confidential, and we act with urgency to uncover outstanding opportunities for our customers.

From marina owners, manufacturers, boatyard owners, investors, captains, maritime attorneys and many, many more. Our team has the knowledge to help you navigate your buying or selling of a marina property.

Rick is a uniquely qualified Commercial Maritime Broker. He brings genuine knowledge and experience earned from decades of direct involvement in the Marine Industry. As a Shipyard Operator, as a Financial Officer, and as a Boat Dealership Owner who has been responsible for high-level financial reporting for some of the largest and most robust marine facilities in the world, Rick brings exceptional knowledge and understanding to his clientele. His team will be proud to serve your interests with urgency and professionalism.

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